April 21, 2012
Sloss Furnaces "Preserving the Heritage"

April 12, 2012
Art Assessment Techniques

Another assessment I like to use with my students is the "Word Bubble Critique." Since I teach elementary students, the criticism that can come with a critique can be a bit daunting for students and teacher alike! So, I got some dry-erase word bubbles (like these from crayola) and during our critique I give each student two word bubbles and a dry erase marker. They swap art with a partner and are instructed to write a "glow" on one bubble and a "grow" on another. A "glow" would be something that the artist was very succesful with in their artwork...the"grow" would come in the form of a question or suggestion. For example, "have you thought about using more lines and detail?" or "Maybe you should try using more of a variety of shapes to make the composition more interesting." My students love this activity and it is a great chance for them to use the proper art vocabulary in evaluating art! If you don't want to buy the word bubbles, you could even cut some out of posterboard and laminate them...
Also, here are a few links to online resources that include articles, pinterest boards, assessments, and more:
- http://rubistar.4teachers.org (Rubrics generator **free)
- http://princetonol.com/groups/iad/links/toolbox/assessment.html (has many links to articles about various assessment tools)
- www.prometheanplanet.com (use search feature to find many flipcharts for your promethean smart board...for example search "graphic organizers)
- http://artjunction.org/blog/?p=2865 (The Art Teacher's Guide to the Internet blog...)
- http://www.aep-arts.org/files/evaluation/EnvArtsAssess.pdf (great article on art assessments...good ideas on cross-content connections)
- http://www.theartofed.com/2012/01/12/introducing-aoe-ebooks-free-download/ (free downloadable eBook The Complete Guide to Simple Art Assessments)
- http://www.kinderart.com/artspeak/artart3.shtml (How to look art art...Feldman's Model)
- http://pinterest.com/artlindsay/art-education (my Pinterest Art Education board)
- http://pinterest.com/search/boards/?q=art+assessment (Pinterest boards themed on art assessments)
April 9, 2012
You can send it to Laura Alvord (address on form) or email her at lalvord@shelbyed.k12.al.us
HERE is the link to the form!
April 5, 2012
BAEA April Meeting Tonight!
It will be tonight... Thursday, April 5th at the Birmingham Museum of Art at 5:00 pm.
This meeting will focus on assessments used in the art room! Please bring any assessment tools/ideas you have found successful and helpful in your classroom. If you could adjust it to fit varying grade levels, we would appreciate it! Please bring 15-20 copies to hand out to your fellow BAEA members!!!
We had an EXTREMELY fun and successful glass fusion workshop in March. If you didn't get to attend, you REALLY missed a fun, interesting workshop geared towards all ability levels!!! Thank you to all who attended and to our lovely teachers, Shelly and Tym, for doing such a fabulous job. We can't wait to see the pieces!